Future Development
We are building many features focusing on Security. They will be released in future versions as the product grows. Our development aims to allow users to do more, earn more, increase capital efficiency on the protocol, and fine-tune the robust security and safety mechanisms for stable growth.
A few features in development include:
Liquidation Improvements â Kinza Finance is developing a more adaptable liquidation system, so that liquidations occur only when necessary. Utilization of solutions like variable close factors will allow liquidations to occur more gently in required amounts to bring a borrower back up to health.
Stable Borrow Rate - Borrowers will have the option to select a fixed interest rate, and lock in a preferred rate.
Timelock on Large Outbound Flow - We plan to collaborate with top security firms to add automatic security check before large funds are borrowed or withdrew. It can protect the protocol against a wide range of potential attacks.
Time-Adaptive Interest Rate Response Controller - This IR adaptive response system attempts to exponentially adjust interest rates in case of high Utilization Rate to incentivize the needed actions (i.e., debt repayments) to bring the system back into balance exactly when it counts.
Algorithmic LTV Controller - Current DEX liquidity and asset price volatility are critical factors to consider when establishing asset risks and determining Loan to Value parameters. The Algorithmic LTV Controller monitors DEX and price data feeds to adapt LTV's for each asset pool, ensuring stable markets and functional liquidations.
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